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Responses to the Energy Crisis and How You Can Save
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Responses to the Energy Crisis and How You Can Save

Energy has been in the news over the past 12 months with unprecedented price increases for domestic customers. But how have real people been affected by this? What more could the government be doing to help homes and businesses? And how can you protect your business?

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Don’t Waste Energy This Summer: 6 Tips to Save
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Don’t Waste Energy This Summer: 6 Tips to Save

Energy waste is a talking point throughout the winter but many people forget about it as the weather warms up. Could your business be wasting energy unnecessarily throughout the summer? And if so, how can you stop? This week’s article will explain everything you need to know about summer energy waste.

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Now We’re Cooking With Gas!
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Now We’re Cooking With Gas!

This week we have a truly exciting announcement to make. After months of software development, trial and error, GridDuck has now successfully integrated gas and water monitoring alongside electricity. We can now offer our customers an all-in-one solution to cutting utility waste. Read on to find out what new features are included, and why we decided to make this upgrade.

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What Your Business Can Do About The Energy Crisis
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

What Your Business Can Do About The Energy Crisis

We’re all worried about the soaring price of energy. Whilst you can’t control energy prices, you can control how you use energy. Much has been done to help protect households from increasing energy prices, but businesses need to absorb the full impact of rising costs too. This makes small businesses particularly vulnerable to price spikes. In this week’s article, GridDuck looks at some possible energy-saving solutions.

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Women in Energy Is Still A Work in Progress
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Women in Energy Is Still A Work in Progress

To mark International Women’s Day, GridDuck spoke to Dhara Vyas, deputy director for policy and advocacy at Energy UK. As a senior woman in a field dominated by men, we asked Dhara how more women can be included at the top table and what might be stalling progress in 2022.

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Energy Managers: What They Do and Why They Matter
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Energy Managers: What They Do and Why They Matter

Energy Managers play an important role in helping businesses to minimise overhead costs, meet sustainability credentials and run efficient operations. In this week’s article, we explore how they do it and why now is the perfect time for your business to invest in energy expertise.

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5 Ways to Make Your Farm More Energy Efficient and Save Money
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

5 Ways to Make Your Farm More Energy Efficient and Save Money

Running a farm can require a huge amount of electricity, making energy costs one of the biggest overheads in the agricultural sector. Many of GridDuck’s customers tell us that it’s their most expensive overhead after labour costs. This can affect profitability. Energy costs are also rising dramatically. Yet many farms have very little data about their energy consumption and how much is being wasted unnecessarily.

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Why It Pays to Be a Sustainable Business
Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Why It Pays to Be a Sustainable Business

There has been no better time to make the business case for sustainability. Just recently the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report that included some stark warnings about acting now to stop some of the most devastating effects of global warming.

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Gregor Hoefter Gregor Hoefter

Can smart buildings contribute to net zero?

According to the UK Green Building Council, the built environment contributes about 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint and almost half of this comes from energy used in buildings and for infrastructure that has nothing to do with their functional operation.

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