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Submetering for Businesses: How it Works and Why You Need It According to GridDuck’s CPO
As businesses are hit by rising energy costs, GridDuck is working with several new clients to offer submetering for total visibility on their energy spend across multiple sites remotely. We discuss how submetering works, who can benefit and GridDuck CPO, Alex Jefferies, explains how GridDuck does submetering.

GridDuck’s Current and Potential Use Cases
In this article, we explore GridDuck’s current and potential use cases, including renewable energy balancing, anomaly detection and predictive maintenance.

Dark Kitchens and Sustainability: What’s the Story?
In this article, we are evaluate the sustainability strengths and weaknesses of ‘dark’ kitchens, alongside offering our advice on how to run these ventures as sustainably as possible.

Business Unusual: How One Manufacturer is Leading on Carbon Neutrality
This week, GridDuck sits down to talk with Jonas Hamann of Danish engineering firm’s sustainability solutions department. We cover energy waste, Hamann’s sustainability ethos and future innovation.

The Time to Invest in Energy Saving: GridDuck CEO, Gregor Hoefter, Talks All Things Fundraising
This week, GridDuck CEO Gregor Hoefter sits down to answer the vital questions about energy investment and GridDuck’s current fundraise.

EV Charging: A Lifeline for Hospitality Businesses (2/2)
In our previous article, we discussed the growing popularity of electric vehicles and the financial incentives to installing EV chargers. This time, we explain why EV Charging is the perfect investment for hospitality businesses in 2021.

EV Charging: How It Works, How Much It Costs and the Financial Support Available (1/2)
Electric vehicles are here to stay and with boosted government incentives, ambitious diesel-reduction targets and a wider variety of available chargers than ever, now is the time to seriously consider investing.