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What Makes up Your Energy Bill? Insights from Mike Davies, Managing Director of ClearCost Energy Limited
In this article, we will explore the factors which influence energy costs, as well as how businesses can reduce these costs. We will be taking insights from Mike Davies, the Managing Director of ClearCost Energy, an energy consultancy based in the UK.

A Guide to Energy Management Systems for Businesses
As businesses are hit by rising energy costs, many businesses may be wondering whether it’s time to invest in an energy management system. But what exactly does an energy management system do, who can it help and what do you need to consider? We explain all in this week’s article.

Submetering for Businesses: How it Works and Why You Need It According to GridDuck’s CPO
As businesses are hit by rising energy costs, GridDuck is working with several new clients to offer submetering for total visibility on their energy spend across multiple sites remotely. We discuss how submetering works, who can benefit and GridDuck CPO, Alex Jefferies, explains how GridDuck does submetering.

GridDuck’s Current and Potential Use Cases
In this article, we explore GridDuck’s current and potential use cases, including renewable energy balancing, anomaly detection and predictive maintenance.

Dark Kitchens and Sustainability: What’s the Story?
In this article, we are evaluate the sustainability strengths and weaknesses of ‘dark’ kitchens, alongside offering our advice on how to run these ventures as sustainably as possible.

Business Unusual: How One Manufacturer is Leading on Carbon Neutrality
This week, GridDuck sits down to talk with Jonas Hamann of Danish engineering firm’s sustainability solutions department. We cover energy waste, Hamann’s sustainability ethos and future innovation.

The Time to Invest in Energy Saving: GridDuck CEO, Gregor Hoefter, Talks All Things Fundraising
This week, GridDuck CEO Gregor Hoefter sits down to answer the vital questions about energy investment and GridDuck’s current fundraise.

Playing the Long Game: How to Cut Energy Waste For Good
Tax breaks and one-off payments may be helping homes and businesses to cope with the drastic rise in energy prices now, but what more could the government be doing? How can we ensure both emission reduction and energy security for the future? This week, we will be discussing all things energy strategy.

Responses to the Energy Crisis and How You Can Save
Energy has been in the news over the past 12 months with unprecedented price increases for domestic customers. But how have real people been affected by this? What more could the government be doing to help homes and businesses? And how can you protect your business?

Don’t Waste Energy This Summer: 6 Tips to Save
Energy waste is a talking point throughout the winter but many people forget about it as the weather warms up. Could your business be wasting energy unnecessarily throughout the summer? And if so, how can you stop? This week’s article will explain everything you need to know about summer energy waste.

There Is No Decarbonisation Without Digitalisation
The essential role of digital and data in decarbonising your business. Insights from the recent Sustainability Live conference in London, listening to speakers from Danfoss, Eon and Deloitte.

Now We’re Cooking With Gas!
This week we have a truly exciting announcement to make. After months of software development, trial and error, GridDuck has now successfully integrated gas and water monitoring alongside electricity. We can now offer our customers an all-in-one solution to cutting utility waste. Read on to find out what new features are included, and why we decided to make this upgrade.

What Your Business Can Do About The Energy Crisis
We’re all worried about the soaring price of energy. Whilst you can’t control energy prices, you can control how you use energy. Much has been done to help protect households from increasing energy prices, but businesses need to absorb the full impact of rising costs too. This makes small businesses particularly vulnerable to price spikes. In this week’s article, GridDuck looks at some possible energy-saving solutions.

Our Trial Process, Saving Tips and Hospitality Energy Waste Secrets: An Interview with Miles Browne, GridDuck’s Sales Manager
This week, we caught up with GridDuck’s very own Sales Manager, Miles Browne. Miles shares his insights on how hospitality businesses and consultants can save energy, findings from recent trials and different use cases for our technology.

Women in Energy Is Still A Work in Progress
To mark International Women’s Day, GridDuck spoke to Dhara Vyas, deputy director for policy and advocacy at Energy UK. As a senior woman in a field dominated by men, we asked Dhara how more women can be included at the top table and what might be stalling progress in 2022.

Six Ways Energy Consultants Benefit from IoT Energy Management
With energy prices rising, energy management is a hot topic right now for businesses, homes and consultants alike. But why is IoT the right solution for consultants looking to make an impact?

The Holy Trinity of Money-Saving: Water, Gas and Electricity Monitoring in Hospitality
Energy prices have doubled in the last year whilst water, gas and electricity waste are a key environmental concern. What’s more, consumption of each utility significantly affects that of the others. Here’s how you can cut costs and make your hospitality business more sustainable.

GridDuck’s Ultimate Guide to Greenwashing: Where It Came From, What It Looks Like and How to Avoid It
Everything you need to know about Greenwashing, including our advice on how to avoid buying into false promises.

Tried and Supplied Founder, Domini Hogg, on Buying Local, Collaborative Supply Chains and Reducing Food Miles
This week GridDuck is speaking to Domini Hogg of Tried and Supplied.