GridDuck measures and automates hundreds of appliances in businesses, including in factories. Contact us to learn more.
Are you wasting energy?
Reducing energy waste helps you reduce your energy bills and comply with greenhouse gas emissions targets.
According to the UK government, manufacturers could save more than 20% of their energy use through energy efficiency measures.
GridDuck can help you save energy by giving you a real-time picture of the energy consumption of all your machinery and appliances.
We can also help you to automatically switch them off out of hours – after shifts and over the weekend.
Tracking your electricity costs
Do you know how much you are spending on energy? Do you know what you are spending it on, and when?
GridDuck can track your electricity consumption in real-time, for your whole building, or for individual machines and appliances. We can also take in external data feeds to our dashboard, for example from your gas or water measurements.
The example here is a factory switching their machinery off from Friday evening to Monday morning
Save costs automatically, every day
Are you switching off unused computers overnight and at the weekend? Is it critical for them to be on?
Heating and cooling: Are you heating or cooling your office only during working hours?
How do you manage your lights? Are they on when the sun shines outside? Do you leave them on at night?
We have put our office electric heater on a simple time routine, from 5am (early risers) to 6pm.
To learn more about making your factory more energy efficient, read our blog article: The power of energy data in manufacturing.
Bowles and Walker
Bowles and Walker are based in east Anglia and specialise in plastic injection moulding.
Our system provided a vital means of tackling inefficiency, which is especially costly given the scale and type of machinery used within this business.
By using GridDuck the company were able to avoid £20,000 in total costs.
A Manufacturing Testimonial:
“Using the Grid Duck system has been a great success at Bowles and Walker Ltd allowing us to monitor our energy consumption of various machines around our factory.
We have been able to identify equipment that was using significantly more energy than previously thought, allowing us to replace or remove them. We identified devices thought to be very high energy users, that were in fact fairly energy efficient meaning we did not have to replace them, and we have been able to test various energy saving devices allowing us to choose the most effective energy optimisation routes for our future environmental development.
Financially we are currently saving £911 per annum, and will have achieved £20,000 in avoided costs. The team at Grid Duck have been very supportive during this process and been actively aiding us with our project throughout. We would highly recommend them.”
Dr Michael Barwood, Technical And Quality Manager at Bowles & Walker Ltd
See it working in real time.
Have a look at a real example, our own office, to see how our dashboard works and how it can benefit you.
See electricity demand and consumption in real time, understand how you can generate automation rules, create groups and set permissions.
Latest Resources:
Blog Articles
Caps Versus Usage Cuts: How to Make the Most of Energy Saving as a Farm, Factory or Hotel
Business Unusual: How One Manufacturer is Leading on Carbon Neutrality
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