GridDuck - The Intelligent Energy Saving System for Commercial Buildings

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Don’t Waste Energy This Summer: 6 Tips to Save

Energy waste is a talking point throughout the winter but many people forget about it as the weather warms up. Could your business be wasting energy unnecessarily throughout the summer? And if so, how can you stop? This week’s article will explain everything you need to know about summer energy waste.

It’s no secret that high energy bills are generally associated with the winter months. Fuel costs are an especially poignant issue during this period because of course, if businesses or homes cannot afford to pay their energy bills in the winter, the alternative has serious health and safety implications; no business or home should have to forego heating and hot water during near-zero temperatures.

This winter, in particular, has been an eventful one in the world of energy. We have of course seen the domestic price cap rise by an unprecedented 54%, with increases expected for commercial buildings as contracts are renewed throughout 2022. As we move towards June, July and August, many homes and businesses will be relieved to switch off their heating. 

However, energy waste is a large and complex issue. Some sources say that “we throw away as much as 30-50% of the energy and water that flows into our buildings.” With this in mind, one must wonder, is it really easier to save energy in the summer? 

Research suggests that summer energy waste is a bigger problem than many people realise. In fact, one article has suggested that “business will waste £570m on summer energy bills.” Certainly this figure is shocking, but where is all of this extra waste coming from? 

There are several reasons for a potential energy consumption spike this summer. Whilst heating costs are generally lower through June, July and August, other appliances can drive up energy consumption. For example, warmer weather means that some people shower more regularly. Air conditioning, vents and fans are also in higher demand, especially during extremely hot weather. With heatwaves growing in severity and frequency (one special report on climate extremes in the UK found that “we are experiencing higher maximum temperatures and longer warm spells in recent years”), these costs are not to be underestimated. 

Even after one has considered extra consumption due to air conditioning, ventilation and increasing bathing, ice machines, fridges and freezers present significant further costs in certain sectors. For busy food retailers, restaurants and bars, these machines are under additional demand and one study found that shoppers purchase “36% more soft drinks” between June and August. Likewise, summer sporting events and hot weather have been known to drive up beer sales dramatically. All of those drinks need to be kept cool, and many must be served with ice.

Alongside the extra energy required to keep refrigerators and freezers at their ideal temperature in the heat, and the increased demand for cold goods, we must also consider outdoor heaters, outdoor lighting and appliances which may be used wastefully throughout the summer. Key examples include tumble dryers and lighting, which are often used year round in hospitality operations.

Within the agricultural sector, summer brings several unique energy waste challenges too. For example, crops require more water and cold stores need more energy to keep their temperature. Greater demand for fruits and berries throughout the summer means that farms and packhouses have a lot of stock to keep cool. GridDuck has in fact helped businesses save by monitoring and better managing their cold store energy usage.

With all of this mind, it’s easy to see how your business might be using more energy this summer. But whilst some of this extra consumption seems unavoidable, how can you ensure your business is not wasting energy unnecessarily this summer?

6 Tips to Cut Down on Energy Waste This Summer

1) Air Conditioner Maintenance 

Air conditioners are big consumers. In fact, they have been known to account for about 6% of all the electricity produced in the United States” and “one third of a household’s electricity consumption.” What’s more, they require careful maintenance to ensure optimum performance. Whilst “checking the coils, fins, evaporative cooler, and heat pump may require the services of a professional”, these procedures are crucial to ensure your energy is not being wasted. 

Clearing space for optimum air flow and ensuring that heat emitting appliances are not causing thermostat-based A/C systems to “run longer than necessary” are all further ways you can ensure that your A/C is not costing you unnecessarily. 

It’s equally essential to replace your air conditioning filter regularly, as this can “lower your A/C’s energy usage by up to 15%.” Set a reminder in your calendar if necessary, and assign this task amongst your workforce where appropriate.

2) Be Wary of Outdoor Heating

People love to eat and drink outside during the summer, but as night falls, patio heaters are required to make this comfortable and they waste a lot of energy. One Uswitch article explains how “gas-powered patio heaters are notoriously energy-guzzling, using around £1.20 worth of canister gas per hour. But even the more energy-efficient plug-in versions can add 33p per hour to your electricity bill.” 

In order to avoid losing diners or customers, limiting patio heater usage in your business is a delicate balance. We would suggest that you ensure your seating arrangements make optimal use of as few heaters as possible, for example, by organising seating around a few central heaters where possible. Additionally, by making sure your heaters work based on an off-timer wherein customers have to press a button to keep the heater working, you can ensure heat is not being lost on empty tables. 

3) Clean Ventilation Hoods

Ventilation is essential for ensuring that your building feels comfortable and cool, even as temperatures sky-rocket. In particular, ventilation hoods play an invaluable role when cooking vapours add to the discomfort of a busy kitchen during a heat wave. To keep your ventilation hood in good condition, clean and dust regularly as well as reminding staff via signs to switch off these appliances whenever possible. This will help to keep your building as ventilated as possible, with minimal energy consumption.

4) Site Zones

One of the most important ways to reduce your businesses energy waste this summer is to ensure that you make sparing use of your facilities. By this we mean shutting down areas that are not necessary wherever you can to avoid extra air conditioning. If you divide your site up into, for example, a bar, lounge and function room and create separate air conditioning/ventilation controls for each area, you will be sure to avoid spending money on HVAC in unused or sparsely used spaces. Ensuring your “access doors are self-closing”, keeping doors shut in between areas wherever possible and keeping door seals are in good condition can also help to reduce costs.

5) Smart Settings

Not only is AC maintenance important, but you also need to use your AC system in the most efficient way possible. One source explains that “for each degree that you set your home, energy consumption increases by 8%”. For this reason, The Ministry of Industry “recommends not lowering your air conditioning temperature below 26º.” To ensure you are using your A/C system as efficiently as possible, do some research online about how your particular A/C system works and how to get the best results from A/C within your building and business type. 

6) Make Optimal Use of Heat and Light

With longer days and higher temperatures, there are almost certainly procedures which can change in your business to save energy. As summer approaches, make a list and tick off each adjustment one by one. 

If your lights and radiators work based on scheduling or automation, ensure that you minimise these hours. Equally, you can reduce screen brightness on your devices and get set-up with some natural drying spaces to avoid using tumble dryers where possible. You can even set a date in your calendar when it might be appropriate to readjust each setting once the weather cools down and daylight hours reduce again. By doing this, you can rest assured that you are as well prepared as possible to save throughout the season.

If you are concerned about energy waste, GridDuck can help. To arrange a 15-minute, no obligation call with our sales team, please use our Calendly service.